Niron Systems in collaboration with NEAT, delivers advanced defense and homeland security solutions for mission-critical applications across air, land, and sea platforms. Their expertise includes armament systems, ruggedized hardware, and real-time software tailored for modern defense environments.

SteadiCopter leads in advanced RUAVs for defense and HLS, with NEAT designing and customizing complex electronics for diverse applications.

A revolutionary brain monitoring platform.
The EEG SENSE system provides reliable and standardized data that will be analyzed using proprietary AI algorithms that provide accessible brain insights to empower human-centric applications and utilize recorded brain activity to provide actionable insights for facilitating astronauts’ breakthroughs’ cognitive wellness assessment for long-term space missions.

Surgical System revolutionizes surgical precision by miniaturizing the surgeon’s movements with unprecedented articulation and reach.

The development of the Cordless motor of the Self-Adjusting File (SAF) System aimed to address various limitations inherent in current rotary file systems in the challenging world of endodontic treatments.

Liquid Management,
The development of the Self-Adjusting File (SAF) System aimed to address various limitations inherent in current rotary file systems in the challenging world of endodontic treatments.

Pioneering permanent filter designed for stroke prevention in individuals with atrial fibrillation, presenting a novel approach to addressing abnormal heart rhythm-related stroke risks.

The AnapnoGuard AG100s Control Unit serves as an integrated, multi-purpose airway management system, highly effective in protecting the lungs infections & tissue injury. Provide better outcomes for mechanically ventilated & intubated patients.

Liquid Management,
FlowMed developed a robotic system that facilitates a nonstop, regulated, flow of medical solutions (continuous irrigation) for surgeries that require a continuous flow of solution throughout the surgery.

Capture internal X-ray images of non-transportable patients in hospital chambers, field settings, and other mobile conditions, providing effective diagnostic support for emergency medical services.

Real Imager 8 (RI8), offering a touch-free and radiation-free approach for assessing the likelihood of breast cancer through a noninvasive imaging procedure. Differing from mammography, it eliminates the need for potentially painful breast compression.
Other services
Our mission is to answer engineering challenges and bring your idea to life, to its destination and beyond

We specialize in designing precision dispensing systems, ensuring accurate distribution which is crucial for various medical procedures ,as well as industrial, pharmaceutical and chemical processes. We also excel in developing innovative flow control and monitoring solutions, focusing on efficiency and waste reduction.
Additionally, we specialize in crafting advanced filtration and separation systems, alongside designing automated liquid handling and robotic systems. All while ensuring precise and effective liquid management.

Our products integrate cutting-edge technologies like laser and ultrasound, designed with the user experience in mind.
We integrate smart software into our systems for precise and customizable treatments while also enabling the tracking and efficient control of treatments.
Just like in any other field, in aesthetics especially there is a need to ensure the highest safety and compliance to strict standards.

These systems ensure optimal dosing and control, feature integrated monitoring for real-time data, and support seamless digital integration, as well as code and system architecture that enables convenient and efficient use and management.
Our commitment to safety is evident through extensive testing and validations. Our customized approaches cater to specific therapeutic needs.